Pondering upon the Quran-3

2In the previous posts we talked about pondering upon the holy Quran, a deed which is so recommended by Islamic teachings. We mentioned some points which can help us to have this pondering, so let’s continue.

The other point in this regard is to be familiar to the meaning of the verses. The simplest way of that is to read the meanings of the verses through a reliable translation.

The other point here is that to know that the words of the holy Quran is like a bridge to the meaning and reality beyond them, so it is not true to spend all of our attempts and times on the superficial way of the recitation and being ignorant of the reality of the Quran.

The other point that maybe is the most important one is to have a heart which is purified and is free from every spiritual disease, because when the heart is dead (out of committing many sins) such a heart cannot be connected with the reality of the holy Quran. There is a meaningful story which is related to our topic. There was a great and wise scholar and he had some students, his students asked him: Why our hearts are not full of the divine knowledge? He gave them a dish that was not clean, and said to them: Go to the store in which the milk is sold and buy some milk for me. The students went there, but the shopkeeper did not give them any milk and said to them: This dish is dirty, go back and take another dish which is clean. The students came back to their wise teacher and described the story. He said: Notice to this story. This was a likening for you. The divine knowledge is definitely more precious than the milk, and our impure hearts is dirtier than that dish and Allah is wiser than that shopkeeper, so how can you expect Allah to give you that divine knowledge? The students got shocked by this very meaningful happening.

So we must try to purify our hearts and make it clean and free from ignorance, pretense etc. and this purification can be obtained through obeying Allah in His obligations and prohibitions.

Another point in this regard is that it is appropriate to take lessons from the verses of the Quran, for example when the holy Quran talks about the previous people and mentions their punishments we should ponder upon these verses and see what was the fault of them? How did they reach to their position of denial of Allah? What were the good characteristics of the real believers that have made them honorable and benefited from the bounties of Allah?

There is an interesting saying that says:

The stories that are described by the parents to their children at the time of sleep are told in order to make the children sleep, but the stories of the Quran are told to awaken the people from the sleep of ignorance. The logic of the people of the previous nations as the holy Quran says was that they were considering the stories of the previous nations as legends, but if we believe that the stories of the Quran are not legends we must consider them as very meaningful lessons.

At the end we ask Allah to help us to be among the real believers who ponder upon the holy Quran and take heeds from it and implement it in their lives.

Source: iec-md.org

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