Woman’s Dignity in the Words of Ali ibn Abi Talib – eBook


Undoubtedly, different social events have occurred throughout history pushing theperspective of His Holiness Ali (P) concerning women’s status into a halo of ambiguity manythings have been left unsaid and questions raised. We have conducted an interview with Dr.Shameli to present a response to such ambiguities and state some dimensions of HisHoliness Ali’s (P) line of thought, as well.


[box type=”note” align=”aligncenter” width=”380px” ]Name: Woman’s Dignity in the Words of Ali ibn Abi Talib
Author: Dr. Abbas Shameli
Pages: 28[/box]

[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”https://byislam.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Woman’s-Dignity-in-the-Words-of-Ali-ibn-Abi-TalibByislam.com_.pdf” target=”blank” ]Download “Woman’s Dignity in the Words of Ali ibn Abi Talib” – PDF[/button]