Why do Muslims refer to the Quran as a living miracle?


Why do Muslims refer to the Quran as a living miracle?

The Quran is a living miracle because every day, new aspects of what was revealed are getting more and more understood, and because none of the Quranic principals have been outdated throughout ages and cultures. Also not a single word of Quran is added, deleted from its compilation.

Whereas did anyone memorize The Old and the New Testament? Nobody even the pope himself. But there are millions of Muslims today, who has memorized the entire book. How many Christians have you meet in your life that as memorized the Bible? None because there are around 39 different versions of the Bible with different books and different versions, with different amount of verses and different amount of chapters and they don’t agree to that. So how could they even memorize what they don’t agree about?

How could a man born in the desert who could not read – could expound upon things which he was never exposed to? The most unique aspect of the Qur’an however, is that it confirms the previously revealed scriptures and that if you should decide to become a Muslim, you do not have to change your religion.

Finally, this book, Qur’an, has been universally preserved without the slightest alternation of any kind in fifteen centuries, which makes it a miraculous preservation, which is actually not by human but by God, Who has got it preserved by His own way. Even you burn all Qurans existing nowadays it can be rewritten without any difficulty as it is stored in millions of Muslim’s heart.