What is the philosophy behind believing in Imamate?


We as Shia believe in the “Imamah” and Divine Leadership of the infallibles after the demise of the holy Prophet of Islam.

This Leadership began with Imam Ali, after him, his son Imam Hassan, after him, his brother Imam Hussein, till the twelfth and the last Imam, i.e. Imam Mahdi peace be upon them all.

But the Sunni brothers, believe that the holy Prophet of Islam did not specify any person as his successor, so here is a very important discussion which is related to the science of Kalam or Theology, but it must not be a cause for killing each other or struggling among Muslims and Muslims must live with each other like brothers.

At the beginning we define the meaning of the word “Imam”. Imam literally means the one who is at the front of a group and the one who leads others, this word is also used for the individuals that people perform prayer behind them in the congregational prayer or in the Friday prayer.

But in this essay we mean by Imam, the 12 infallible successors of the Prophet of Islam.

We have another word here that is related to our topic and that is “Caliph”.

In Shia school of thought the word “Caliph” is used for a leader, with the consideration to the aspects which are related to the governmental issues, but the word “Imam” is used for a leader with regard to the divine relation and connection of that leader and the direct appointment by Allah as the leader of the Muslims for their guidance.

The “Imamah” can be discussed from different aspects:

1) Its theological aspect.

From this aspect, Imamah is known as a belief in which because of being a matter that the continuation of the religions is based upon it, we believe in it.

2) Its historical aspect.

It is an important historical event that the holy Prophet of Islam appointed Imam Ali and his generations as the Imams for mankind.

3) Its political aspect.

By political we mean because Imamah is a position by which the Imam takes the affairs of the society and guides them through governing them in a just government (of course if the Imams have the chance to govern the Muslims, because most of the Imams were deprived by the cruel caliphs from their right of governing).

And we hope that our twelfth Imam i.e. Imam Mahdi will return soon, as it is mentioned in many Narrations which are narrated by both Shia and Sunni, he will come and fill the world full of justice after it is filled from injustice and cruelty. He will fight with the enemies of Islam and will overcome them and will establish a government which is based on justice and the rules of Allah the all mighty.

Let me mention some of the philosophies of Imamah now:

1) One of the benefits of Imamah is the description of the holy Quran, Allah said in the Quran in chapter Nahl, verse 44:

وَأَنزَلْنَا إِلَيْكَ الذِّكْرَ لِتُبَيِّنَ لِلنَّاسِ مَا نُزِّلَ إِلَيْهِمْ وَلَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ

“And we sent down to you the remembrance so that you can make clear to people what has been sent down to them, in order that they reflect.”

From this verse we realize that one of the missions of the holy Prophet of Islam was to clarify the Quran, and as we know the holy Prophet of Islam has a saying which is narrated from both Shia and Sunni, he said:

“I leave among you two precious things, the book of Allah and my household, and these two never get separate from each other until they enter me on the spring of Kothar in paradise.”

So we understand that the infallibles are the real and perfect commentators of the holy Quran and they are more aware to it than anyone else.

2) Guidance of mankind.

We believe and it is accepted by all groups of Muslims that the infallibles are the most knowledgeable and the wisest people throughout the history, no one dare and can claim what the commander of the faithful Imam Ali peace be upon him claimed, he said: “ask me before you lose me, I am more aware of the ways of heavens than the ways of the earth (it means that my knowledge is not limited to any bound).

And the history bears witness that no one claimed it except he ruined himself.

So such an immaculate family of the holy Prophet of Islam is the best individuals to lead and guide people in both material and spiritual ways of perfection.

3) Another philosophy of Imamah is what we mentioned about establishing the just government.

At the end we can say that every position and duty that the holy Prophet of Islam had (except very few cases), his immaculate family have.


