What are the two aspects of Imam Hussain’s (as) character?

The brilliant and lofty character of Imam Hussain (as) has two aspects: one is the aspect which includes Jihad, martyrdom, and the storm he launched historically, still powerful with all the blessings it brought that you are familiar with. The other aspect involves that of spirituality and mysticism, which is particularly manifested, in an amazing manner, in Dua ‘Arafa. We don’t have many supplications like the Dua ‘Arafa, wherein there is a touching submission, an amazing order of seeking assistance from the Almighty God while seeing oneself as perishable before the Sacred Divine Entity. It is an amazing supplication.

It is in this moment of spirituality, mysticism, submission and getting lost in God–disappearing in the Beloved and not seeing oneself before the Will of the Divine Entity–that has created the everlasting event of Ashura with such glory and nobility. In other words, it is the first aspect—of jihad and martyrdom—which is the result or creation of the second aspect: spirituality and mysticism. There are many people who are believers and strive for the sake of God, and they achieve martyrdom, too—it is martyrdom, nothing less than that. However, there is a type of martyrdom which is more strongly driven from a great spirit of faith; a burning heart with a flaming spirit, restless on the path of God and the Lord’s mercy, buried within the Divine One and His attributes: such form of jihad (endeavor) contains a unique zest. It grants an exceptional effect on the spiritual form. December 04, 1997

The IRGC Day is the birth anniversary of Imam Hussain (greetings be upon him), who was the embodiment and paragon of pure and immaculate endeavor and struggle in the way of Allah. This is why after nearly 14 centuries, the name of Imam Hussain (greetings be upon him) is still associated with justice, virtue and other spiritual and moral values, the values that also inspired our Islamic Revolution.

Our Islamic Revolution followed the example set by Imam Hussain (greetings be upon him) and succeeded in bringing about an Islamic revival and in restoring the glory of Islam. Indeed, the great sacrifices that you, the IRGC members, and other devotees of the Islamic Revolution made over the recent years caused an awakening in the Islamic world, proved the justness of the struggle of the Iranian nation and brought disgrace on the arrogant power of the world.

Ayatollah Khamenei

victory of Hossein

The most important performance of Zainab in the Ashura

ZainabBut the most important performance of Zainab (PBUH) in the Ashura incident was to reveal the evil personality and Yazid’s unpleasant intentions

she  revealed his corrupt and ruthless ruling government.

The most important performance of Zainab (PBUH) in the Ashura

in the majlis of yazid she illuminated and sermonized speeches, scandalized the Bani Umayya ruling system.

so that throughout history, the disaster of Karbala and the victory of Hosseini blood on the swords of Umayyah remained alive in the minds.

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source: www.ByIslam.com

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Wahab Nasrani

The Christian who was martyred for Imam Hussain in Karbala

Wahab NasraniWahab Nasrani and his wife Hania, this family came to Karbala as part of the caravan of Imam Hussein (pbuh).On the day of Ashura, Wahab Nasrani went to the field, and fought heroically. In this intense battle, Wahb’s hands were cut off and he was captured by Yazid’s army.

Yazid army separated Wahb’s head from his body and sent it to his mother to sadden his heart. But Wahb’s mother took her young son’s head and kissed it and said:

“Praise and thanks to God who made me proud in front of Hussein (pbuh) with your martyrdom” Then she took the head and said:” We do not take back what we have given to God, and threw her son’s head to the enemy.

” Then she went to her tent and took the pillar of the tent and attacked Yazid’s army and killed two of them.

[irp posts=”12444″ name=”The uprising of a savior in Apocalypse is a continuation of the Ashura uprising”]

Imam Hussein (pbuh) told Wahab’s mother to come back and said that it is not obligatory (wajib) for women to do jihad, and that you will be glad to accompany your child as the companion of the Prophet (pbuh) and you will both be in Heaven.

Wahb’s wife brought herself to him, and she was screaming on the enemy, the brutal armies of Yazid came to her and martyred her alongside his husband’s body. Wahb’s wife was the first woman to be martyred during the Karbala incident.

source: www.ByIslam.com

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Ashura uprising

The uprising of a savior in Apocalypse is a continuation of the Ashura uprising

Ashura uprising

The uprising of a savior in Apocalypse is a continuation of the Ashura uprising

One of the common beliefs in all major religions in the world is belief in savior.

The savior who will emerge in the apocalypse and will fight against the oppression and ultimately establish the rule of divine justice throughout the world and reinstate the rights of the impoverished and all of humanity.

Basically, the uprising of a savior in Apocalypse is a continuation of the Ashura uprising.

The uprising of Imam Hussein (PBUH) was created on the axis of a just, knowledgeable, brave and godly Imam. who would cut the root of oppression of the corrupt and oppressive regime of a bloodthirsty ruler like Yazid from the oppressed.

The resurrection of the savior in the apocalypse, in that sense, can be regarded as the continuation of the uprising of Ashura, which in many aspects are similar in nature, cause and form.

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Islamic Society

Seditions Began to deviate the Direction of the Islamic Society

Islamic Societyembraced their newly-born child

On the morning of the third day of Sha’ban, the fourth Hijri year, Ali (PBUH), the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) along with Fatima Zahra (PBUH), , embraced their newly-born child.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) named him Husain by God’s command (PBUH) which means good; while before he had named his older brother as Hassan (PBUH)

But the happy days of Hussein’s childhood ended very soon. He was about seven years that the Messenger of Allah made all the Muslims and the Muslim world grief-stricken.

deviate the direction of the Islamic society

After the death of the Prophet (PBUH), seditions began to deviate the direction of the Islamic society.

This trend continued until 61 AH and Yazid Ibn Mu’awiya, a bloodthirsty, bacchanal and topper man, took over Islamic rule.

He forced Imam Hussein to swear allegiance to him.

martyred with a thirsty mouth

but Imam Hussein (PBUH) did not accept to swear allegiance to Yazid and rebelled against Yazid’s ruthless and corrupt government and migrated from Medina to Mecca and from Mecca to Kufa.

In the vicinity of Kufa in Karbala, he faced Yazid’s bloodthirsty army, and eventually Imam Hussein (PBUH) and his brothers and children were martyred with a thirsty mouth on the battlefield, and they were beheaded by filthy hand of Yazidis.

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signs of the wise

The Signs of the wise is Criticizing his own Speech

signs of the wise

the signs of the wise

Of the signs of the wise is criticizing his own speech and thought and awareness of different opinions.

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Jesus and Hussein (PBUH)

make a comparison between the sacrifices of Jesus and Hussein (PBUH)

Jesus and Hussein

Thomas Mann, German thinker:comparison between the sacrifices of Jesus and Hussein (PBUH)

If we make a comparison between the sacrifices of Jesus and Hussein (PBUH), definitely Hussein’s sacrifice will be more precious and worthwhile.

Because Christ, on the day he was ready to be sacrificed, did not have a woman and child with him, and they did not think about what fate they would have after him. Imam Hussein (PBUH) had a wife and children, and some of them were young children and needed a father.

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Wise statements

The Wise statements of Imam Husayn (pbuh)

Wise statements

The Wise statements of Imam Husayn (pbuh)

1. Indeed, some people pray Allah Almighty for the greed and wanting of the Paradise, so this will be a trade; and some other people worship and adore God because of fear, which resembles the worshiping and obedience of a servant from their master, and some praise Allah the Almighty for the sake of gratitude and they do so based on knowledge, and this is the worship of the free people which is the best of worships.

2. Indeed, the most generous of people is the one who helps someone who has had no hope in them. And the most generous of people is the person who – although capable of taking revenge – forgives others’ injustice.

3. Imam Husayn was asked about the nature of human’s dignity and virtue.He replied: «It’s a matter of controlling the tongue and having generosity» he was asked, in what lays human’s imperfection? He replied: Getting involved in something that is not useful and beneficial.

4. He said in a statement: Indeed, the believer does not do any wrongdoing and does not do anything ugly (so that he has to apologize for it and therefore) he will not apologize either.

The Wise statements of Imam Husayn (pbuh)

But the hypocrite person commits wrongdoing and does ugly things everyday, and (for that reason) he apologizes constantly.

5. If two people dispute with each other and one of them comes forward in peace and for reconciliation, then the person who takes the initiative will enter Paradise earlier and ahead of the other.

6. Note that the people’s need and their coming to you is a sign of God’s blessings, then do not turn away from this blessing; Otherwise you will be in hardship.

[irp posts=”12418″ name=”A Summary of the Destiny of Imam Husayn (pbuh)”]

7. Whoever who solves a problem of believers’ problems, God Almighty solves his problems in this world and in the Hereafter.

8. Our Shiites and followers are those who are devout and not inwardly devoted to any kind of trickery and deception.

9. The stingy person is the one who is stingy with saying hello (does not say hello).

The Wise statements of Imam Husayn (pbuh)

10. O people! compete in being good and hasten in the use of opportunities and do not count on a good work in doing of which you have not hastened.

11. Of the signs of good fame and good fortune is keeping wise people company.

12. Do not say anything that reduces your value.

13. Of the signs of the wise is criticizing his own speech and thought and awareness of different opinions.

14. Do not ask for help except from one of these three people: from the devout, the owner of generosity, or someone who is from a noble family.

15. Goodness is worship and silence is adornment.

16. There are five things that if not found in everyone, there will not be much goodness in them: intellect, religion, politeness, modesty and good temper.

source: www.Byislam.com

you can also read: One Hundred And Fifty Lessons For Life

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Destiny of Imam Husayn

A Summary of the Destiny of Imam Husayn (pbuh)

Destiny of Imam Husayn

A Summary of the Destiny of Imam Husayn (pbuh)

In the year 61 A.H. (680 A.D.), after Mu’awiyah’s death, his son Yazid, who was a bloodthirsty, promiscuous and constantly-drunk man, took over the Islamic state. He urged all the people to swear allegiance to him with all his power.

Among them was Imam Husayn (pbuh) who had two options between being killed and swearing allegiance.

Obviously, a free personality like Husayn (pbuh), who was unparalleled in honor and honesty in his age, would not swear allegiance to a corrupt and oppressor like Yazid.

Yazid ordered the ruler of Medina to kill Imam Husayn (pbuh) or make him swear allegiance to him.

While knowing this, Imam Husayn (pbuh) left Medina for Mecca, and was welcomed by the people of Mecca and stayed for four months in this city.

The inhabitants of Kufa city, who were aware of Imam’s refusal to swear allegiance to Yazid, formally and in the form of hundreds, but thousands of letters, invited Imam Husayn to Kufa.

left Mecca to Kufa

After making sure of the Kufis’ will to give allegiance to help him, Imam Husayn (pbuh) left Mecca to Kufa.

He would always emphasize that he did not rise up because of selfishness and pleasure, or for corruption and oppression, but only for the reformation of the Ummah of my grandfather, I came out of my homeland, and the only purpose of this departure from my homeland was nothing but scandalizing the wicked government of Yazid and practicing the enjoining of good and forbidding evil, and confronting cruelty and oppression.

[irp posts=”12412″ name=”Introduction of Hazrat Zainab (pbuh)an example of patience”]

prevent Kufis from his cooperation with Imam

When Yazid became informed of Kufis’ request for swearing allegiance and companionship with Imam Husayn (pbuh), he sent Ibn Ziad to Kufa to prevent Kufis from his cooperation with Imam (pbuh) by threatening and enticing them, and he succeeded in doing so.

Kufis left alone «Muslim bin ‘Aqil”, Imam Husayn’s envoy to Kufa, and he was the first person on the way of Imam Husayn (pbuh) to be the victim of Kufis’ betrayal by Ibn Ziad’s army.

The news of Muslim’s martyrdom and Kufis’ infidelity came to Imam Husayn (pbuh), and his Holiness informed his companions of this treason and said:

«Whoever from among you wants you to go back, go back, we do not have a covenant with you.» Following these words, people were scattered from the left and right around Imam.

deprived of access to the waters of the Euphrates River

Imam, who had previously set the goal of his uprising as scandalizing and confronting Yazid and opposing his oppressive rule, continued his journey to be in the siege of the Yazid army in Karbala.

Due to this siege, Imam Husayn and his holy family and his courageous fellows deprived of access to the waters of the Euphrates River for three days, until finally the final battle began on Ashura, and 72 of his brave companions went to battlefield one by one, and while thirsty they drank from the cup of martyrdom, and eventually Imam Husayn (pbuh) and his brothers and his sons were also martyred in the battlefield with a thirsty tongue and were beheaded by the evil hands of Yazidis.

source: www.Byislam.com

you can also read: Remembering Karbala Once Again

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Hazrat Zainab

Introduction of Hazrat Zainab (pbuh)an example of patience

 Hazrat ZainabHazrat Zainab (pbuh) was the dear daughter of Imam Ali (pbuh) and Hazrat Fatima (pbuh) and one of two noble sisters of Imam Husayn (pbuh). During her blessed lifetime, she faced many hardships.

Hazrat Zainab: an example of patience and endurance

Understanding and enduring the innocent martyrdom of her father, mother and older brother (i.e. Imam Hasan (pbuh)) manifested her as an example of patience and endurance.

But the apex of this patience and endurance can be seen in her presence in Karbala and seeing the horrific scenes of Imam Husayn (pbuh) martyrdom and their sons and their brothers and children, as well as bearing the suffering of captivity, which is more painful to her than all the misfortunes before Ashura.

Because in one day, she lost all her beloved ones, especially her brother, Imam Husayn (pbuh). But the virtues of Zainab (pbuh) were not limited to her endless patience.

Hazrat Zainab: Father’s Adornment

Because all people knew Zaynab Kobra (pbuh) as a lady of wisdom, worshipping, piety, and chastity, who was righteously entitled as the good descendants of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh).

Therefore, they called her Zainab meaning «Father’s Adornment».

During the heart-rending calamity of Karbala, Hazrat Zainab was 55 years old. Ashura Day was one of the hardest and most painful days for Zainab (pbuh). She saw with her own eyes how the Yazidis martyred the sons and daughters of the Prophet (pbuh) one by one and separated their heads from their bodies.

Hazrat Zainab: important role in the tragic events of Karbala

Her patience has led her to restrain this suffering and instead of weeping and mourning, has self-control over these crimes and take charge of the family.

She played an important role in the tragic events of Karbala.

The first task was to control the affairs of women and children and invite them to patience and restraint against hardships. On the other hand, she was a solid support for her brother and Imam, namely Imam Husayn (pbuh), and in all the sufferings, she was an associate, sorrowful, and obedient in all affliction of her brother.

With the martyrdom of Imam (pbuh) and his faithful companions and followers, the main responsibility of the captives’ caravan, consisting of grief-stricken and mourning women, and the orphans was on the shoulder of Hazrat Zainab (pbuh). She did not even use her water quota in Karbala’s incident, and gave it to the children.

Hazrat Zainab: reveal the evil personality and Yazid’s unpleasant intentions

On the path from Kufa and Shaam, with utmost sacrifice, she divided the loaf of bread among the children, which they gave them as a ration and daily ration. She suffered and tolerated hardships and lashes, and did not allow the lashes to hit the children’s bodies.

But the most important performance of Zainab (pbuh) in the Ashura incident was to reveal the evil personality and Yazid’s unpleasant intentions and his corrupt and ruthless ruling government.

[irp posts=”12379″ name=”Introduction of Children in Karbala (Hazrat Ali Asghar (pbuh))”]

n the city of Kufa, in the meeting of Yazid, called Ibn Ziyad, and in the city of Shaam in Yazid’s meeting, with illuminating and sermonized speeches, scandalized the Umayyad ruling system, so that throughout history, the disaster of Karbala and the victory of Hosseini blood on the swords of Umayyad remained alive in the minds.

Hazrat Zainab: I surely will make you worthless and small

For example, in Yazid’s meeting, with disregard of Yazid’s apparent power, she says the following with the most eloquent and compelling tone:

«If the great miseries of this time, have brought me here to speak with you, but I surely will make you worthless and small, and I will see your blame greatly, and I will rebuke you abundantly, but what can I do? Eyes are tearful and chests are burning.

It is a great surprise that a divine and chosen group, are killed by the hands of the devil’s party and the slaves, and our blood dripping from these foul hands, and the pieces of our flesh come out of your [foul] mouth, and you wild wolves continually come to these clean and pure bodies, and the kids of the hyenas rub those meats on the ground?

If you today see victory over us as a trophy for yourself, you will soon find it as a compensation for yourself [and a cause of harm], on that day you will not find anything but the result of your own actions.

And Allah will never oppress his servants. I will only complain to God only and trust only in him.

perfect example of a pure and chaste lady

[O Yazid] Do whatever deceitful action you have planned and do your best and work hard, and every effort you take; but swear to God [with of all these efforts] you can not sweep our memories from among people, and you can not turn [the lights] of our revelations off and you will not hurt our position.

You will always have this stigma with you.

Your opinion is low and your government’s time will be short and your population will be dispersed …”

Zainab’s eloquence and rhetoric was so evident in the sermons that as if Ali (pbuh), the most eloquent speaker of Arabic history, was speaking through Zainab’s voice.

Hazrat Zainab (pbuh) has rightly proved that she is a perfect example of a pure and chaste lady and maintained her chastity even in the most difficult conditions in order to be an example for the free women of the world.

source: www.Byislam.com


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