To Know Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) Better

imam-zaman-2Name : Muhammad

Title : Mahdi, Baqiyyatullah, Imam az-Zaman, Vali al-Asr, Qa’im, etc.

Agnomen : Abul Qasim, Aba Saaleh al-Mahdi

Father : The Eleventh Imam, Hasan al-Askari (a.s.)

Mother : Narjis Khatoon, also called as Sosan.

Birthday : 15th Sha’baan, 255 A.H.

Birthplace : In the house of Imam Askari (a.s.) in the Iraqi city of Saamarra
Commencement: 8th Rabi-al-Awwal, 260 A.H.of Imamat

Age : Still alive. Shall reappear on the command of Allah the Almighty

One can find in reliable traditions narrated on the authority of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) that when Mahdi reappears, oppression and tyranny will be eradicated from the face of earth, and unjust and tyrannical rulers will be uprooted.

Therefore, every oppressive king, particularly the contemporaries of Imam Hasan al-Askari (a.s.), strove to prevent the birth of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) and his advent in this world. Also, as the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) had prophesied that the number of Imams will be twelve, and that Imam Hasan al-Askari (a.s.) will be the eleventh Imam, (and Mahdi the twelfth), they were sure that Mahdi will be born in his house only.

Consequently, tight security and strict surveillance was imposed. But just as Firaon had failed in his machinations to prevent the birth of Hazrat Moosa (a.s.), which ultimately did occur, in the same way, despite all their efforts, the oppressors could not stop the birth of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.). As there was a great danger to the life of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.), the news of his birth was not announced to all and sundry. Only those who could be relied upon were informed about this holy occurrence. After the martyrdom of Imam Hasan al-Askari (a.s.), when the Imamate and leadership of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) began, the perils to his life increased.

His residence was raided umpteen times by the king’s army. Hence, on divine command, Imam az-Zaman (a.t.f.s.) went into occultation. On the one hand, conditions were threatening and danger loomed large. While on the other, the masses had their queries and posers for which contact with Imam (a.s.) was necessary. Considering this necessity, Imam (a.s.) appointed four special deputies, through whom contact with Imam (a.s.) could be possible. These four persons were called as Special Deputies (Nawwaab al-Arba’ or Naaebeen al-Khaas).

The names of these Special Deputies were as follows (in chronological order):

1) Uthman Ibn Saeed Amri
2) Muhammad Ibn Uthman Ibn Saeed Amri
3) Husayn Ibn Rauh Nawbakhti
4) ‘Ali Ibn Muhammad Seymouri

The series of special deputyship started from 260 A.H. and terminated in the year 329 A.H. (i.e. 69 years). This period is called as Minor Occultation (Ghaibat al-Sughra). The year 329 A.H., with the death of the fourth deputy, ‘Ali Ibn Muhammad Seymouri, marked the end of minor occultation and the beginning of the Major Occultation (Ghaibat al-Kubra). Till Allah the Almighty does not permit Imam az-Zaman (a.t.f.s.) to reappear, the major occultation will continue.

Today, we are living in the era of the major occultation in which, Imam az-Zaman (a.t.f.s.) has not appointed any special deputy. But he has also not abandoned us. For our religious problems and questions, he has appointed jurists (mujtahideen), bearing all the necessary conditions, as his proof upon us and has ordered us to refer to them. As per his command, it is essential that our lives should be in conformity with the edicts of the living mujtahid.

Source: The Recognition of Imam al-‘Asr: Significance and Obligations