The position of women in expanding the divine values/2

Woman in chador praying in Vakin mosque, Shiraz

In the previous post we talked about the position of the women in expanding the values in the society and we mentioned two great women as the samples. So let’s continue that.

Another sample for helping the religion of Allah throughout the history of Islam was lady Zaynab, the honorable daughter of Imam Ali and Lady Fatimah. After the very tragic event of Karbala, an event in which the third Imam of Shia i.e. Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) and his faithful companions got martyr in a very sorrowful way, the family of troop of Imam Hussain were captured and tortured. The tyrant ruler of that time called Yazid who was the person that ordered the Imam to be killed, had changed the situation into a situation that a lot of people were thinking that this caravan of the captives are not even Muslims. But the history narrates that lady Zaynab just like her mother lady Fatimah was so brave and in different occasions was delivering very fiery, meaningful and empyreal lectures and removing the veils of negligence from the eyes of those people to the extent that the people were crying and asking forgiveness from the daughter of the commander of the faithful i.e. Imam Ali. This is the reason for the very famous saying that says: The movement of Imam Hussain continued after his martyrdom through the enlightenment of his sister Lady Zaynab and his son i.e. Imam Sajjad, and if these two great personalities were not, the martyrdom of Imam Hussain would have been forgotten.

Some women might say that we want to be the conveyer of the message of Allah which in fact is the collection of all values, but the situation is not prepared for us to expand that, so how can we do that? As the answer we say that here is a very important means by which the women can expand the values in the society and that way is through raising righteous children. The foundation of the family has so much capacity for that. We must not neglect the very high and effective position of the parents especially mothers, because usually fathers go out to their works and the ones who usually have more time for raising the children are the mothers. So they can convey the values face to face to the children from the very beginning because these children will be the effective members of the society in the future, so the responsibilities of the parents are so heavy and of course if it is done properly its effects not only benefit the parents in this world but also are the very precious remained property after the death of parents, as it is mentioned in the Narrations that the file of deeds of the people get closed when they die except some cases, and among them is the offspring which is righteous and through performing righteous deeds the parents will face many rewards and bounties.