The position of women in expanding the divine values/1

Woman in chador praying in Vakin mosque, Shiraz

The main mission of the divine Prophets throughout the history was to convey the message of Allah to the people. The history bears witness that the position of the women for carrying the religions and values and expanding them in the society is obvious. There were and are some women that along with the men could and can make the society into a better state. At the beginning of the emergence of the religion of Islam the women did many attempts and faced many difficulties like being tortured and or even killed. The very famous example of the attempts of the women is Lady Khadijah; the very honorable wife of the Prophet of Islam, the wife that was the first woman to believe in the prophecy of the Prophet, the one that spent her so much property in the way of Islam. Imagine the situation that the holy Prophet had at the beginning of his divine mission. She was so patient. When the holy Prophet was so sad she was facing him with kindness and through that the sadness of the Prophet was being removed. Sometime one of the wives of the Prophet of Islam said to him: why do you many times remember Khadijah(after her death) while she was nothing but an old woman? Allah has given you better than her. The holy Prophet got angry and replied:

“I swear by Allah, He has not given me better than her. She believed in me while others were rejecting me. She affirmed me while other were denying me and she helped me through her properties while others were depriving me.”

Another very famous example and the sample for all of the women is Lady Fatimah peace be upon her; the very beloved daughter of the Prophet of Islam. She was so respected by the holy Prophet and was described many times as the very high personality. Remember that this happened in the time that for many people it was considered as a shame to have a daughter. In the time of her father and after that in the time of Imamah and divine leadership of his husband Imam Ali she was a reference for the religious knowledge. She was teaching the women of that time. After the departure of the holy Prophet she was enlightening the dark atmosphere of that time, the time in which the divine successor of the holy Prophet i.e. Imam Ali was deprived from his position of leadership.

To be continued.