
Treating the Women with Justice

Treating the Women with Justice

[dropcap]An[/dropcap] unbeliever said to Abu Ja’far al- Ahwal: ” Tell me about the following Words of Allah, the Exalted:

Then marry such women as seem good to you, two and three and four; but if you fear that you will not do justice (between them), then marry only one.'(4:3)

and these Words of Him:

‘And you have it not in your power to do justice between wives, even though you may wish (it), but be not disinclined (from one) with total disinclination.'(4:129)

There is a difference between these two verses.” Abu Ja’far al- Ahwal said: “I had no answer. So, I went to Medina and came to Abu Abd Allah, peace be on him, and asked him about the difference between the two verses.

” Al- Sadiq said: “As for the verse: But if you fear that you will not do justice (between them), then marry only one, He (Allah) has meant the expenses.

And as for the verse: And you have it not in your power to do justice between wives, even though you may wish (it), He (Allah) has meant love, for no one is able to do justice to two wives in love.

” Then Abu Ja’far came back to the unbeliever carrying the answer. But the unbeliever said: ‘You have brought this answer from Hijaz.

“‘(Bihar al- Anwar, v. 10, p.202)