Is it possible for a non-Muslim to touch Holy Quran?


Is it possible for a non-Muslim to touch Holy Quran? In this connection, what do the Verses 77-79 of Surah – 56 mean?

Some scholars argue that it is not permissible to give the Qur’an to non-Muslims. They fear that non-Muslims may not respect the Qur’an or may ill use it. If we suspect that a particular person may ill-use the Qur’an, it is certainly not permissible to give that person a copy of it. On the other hand, if we feel that the person concerned will treat the Qur’an with due respect and wants to read it in order to understand it, then we can give it to him.

The Prophet sent messages to rulers of neighboring states and included in his letters verses from the Qur’an, knowing that those rules were not Muslims. We should not forget in this connection that Qur’an is applicable to all mankind and we have to make it known to them. It is our duty to convey the message to them and to call on them to adopt Islam. Therefore, if we find that some of them want to learn more about Islam, the best source from which to acquire that knowledge is the Qur’an.

The verses to which you refer may be rendered in translation as follows:
“This is indeed a noble Qur’an, (77) contained in a well-guarded Book, (78) which none but the purified may touch.” (Al-Waqia 56:77-79)

Many scholars say that ‘the purified’ refers to the angels whom Allah has made pure. They alone can touch the well-guarded Book in which the Qur’an is written in heaven. Some people take these verses to mean that only after one performs ablution, one may hold the Qur’an in his hand. But the Quranic verse does not seem to support this view since having an ablution is an act of purification which a man chooses to perform. He does not become “purified” as a result of it.

the purification to which the Quranic verse refers is something done by Allah. Hence, it is a reference to angels.