History of prophet of Islam/part 14


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How did the people behave the prophet when he started his public invitation?part 13


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Why did unbelievers called the prophet liar or magician?part 12


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What is the reaction of the Quran against the slanders that were given by unbelievers to the holy prophet?part 11


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Is there any other Quranic evidence concerning the different problems that the prophet himself and the newcomers to Islam tolerated?part 10


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What kind of problems and difficulties did the holy prophet of Islam face?part 9


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Did people get aware of Allah’s appointing someone as the prophet?part 8


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When and where was the holy prophet appointed as the prophet?part 7


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Pro-Zionists Run an Anti-Islamic Ad on Philadelphia Buses / Photos


Controversy has arisen over the anti-Islamic ads
on Philadelphia buses by a pro-Zionist group


According to Ahlul Bait News Agency – ABNA – controversy has arisen over the anti-Islamic ads on Philadelphia buses by a pro-Zionist group.
These ads display a picture of “Adolf Hitler” meeting “Haj Amin al-Husseini” a nationalist Muslim leader.


Also anti-Islamist slogans can be seen on the ad reading:[highlight] two-thirds of all US aids go to Islamic countries. Stop racism. End all aid to Islamic countries.[/highlight]

Also The URL [highlight]www.IslamicJewHatred.Com[/highlight] can bee seen below the ad.

A pro-Zionist group located in the US has sponsored this ad.

A court has supported the campaign which in return has caused a lot of criticism saying that this an ill-usage of freedom of speech.


  Source : ABNA

What does the Quran say about the religion of the prophet of Islam before his prophethood?part 6


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